Experience Wines With Conviction: 214.324.2810

Le Vignerons De Mancey

Founded in 1929, Les Vignerons de Mancey, a few miles from Tournus and Saône, is the heart of a privileged country. Terroir of the winery occupies the edge of the hills of southern Burgundy, open area, made of softness and curves on which climbing vines. The vines alternate with meadows and woods. Vignerons de Mancey meet currently producing some 80 winemakers of 140 hectares of vineyards spread over 8 towns around Mancey. We produce the grapes from all grape varieties -chardonnay, pinot noir, white grape and gamay- that bloom beautifully on the soils of Macon.

We drive a lot of work to select the best Terroirs: “Because no stones of their land is like another”

And for that wine lovers are in each bottle of Burgundy wines of high quality, able to deliver an exhilarating pleasure of fruit, balance right and dense structure. Some farms among the most important of those that make up the Cave des Vignerons de Mancey engaged in a so-called process of “Agriculture” leading to the qualification of each operation. This approach is based on compliance with specifications taking full account the impact of wine practices on the environment and sustainable development. The Vignerons de Mancey producer four tiers of wines, The Classics, The Cadoles, The Essential and The Cremants.

The Classics: a reflection of our soils

The wide with a dozen wines range, even including rosés and the latest regional appellation of Burgundy, the Coteaux Bourguignon. More economical, it nevertheless provides wines of excellent value for money. Included in this range of balanced wines combining freshness and race.

The Cadoles: local pride

The wines’ Cadoles “are made from selected from several areas plots. In the hills of Tournus and Mancey, among others, there are many Cadoles, small houses that were used as shelters for winemakers. More or less elaborate, these constructions have a peculiar architecture. Some say they look like a kind of stone igloo.
Thanks to the Friends of Science and Arts of Tournus, they are subject to an ambitious program of backup and restoration. Vignerons de Mancey participate in these efforts and return to the association part of the proceeds from the sale of this “Cuvée Cadoles.”

The Essentials: florets Winegrowers Mancey

For over 12 years, under the impulse of some aware of the absolute necessity to advance the quality of the wine grower’s regional name, the idea came up to make wines on the basis of selected smaller production lots. Each winemaker says the surfaces of the plots he proposes to lead to the production of quality “essential.” A committee made up of winemakers Board conducts visits in plots throughout the growing season and control the conditions production determined. Harvest is vinified separately and is subject to a special breeding. These wines regularly receive numerous awards. A loyal customer base is rapidly around these bottles were given a dressing and a special bottle to better identify them.

You said “essential”: Four wines are declined in the range of Essential Mancey, true quality challenge for the future, where wineries and technicians have joined in an unprecedented quality contract.

The Crémants:

Vignerons de Mancey vinify 6 including two sparkling rosé wine and two wine dosed (half-dry). Three points explain the quality of our sparkling wines, their finesse and the presence of intense bubbles:

  • Monthly disgorging to preserve maximum freshness
  • A rest in our cellars, after fermentation, extremely long, up to 24 months
  • And of course the initial quality of grapes.

The Spirit of Earth sparkles with thousands of tiny bubbles in the range of Crémant de Bourgogne, for the party and good times.
